Tuesday, January 12, 2016

One Crazy Summer

The book One Crazy Summer is not my type of book it is very slow at the beginning and kinda confusing for me it may not be confusing for anyone else who reads it.This book is not like how regular books are written it is written the way the characters talks like a southern accent and the way the pernounce the words are different and I need to be able to understand what they are trying to say for me to understand and keep the book moving instead of trying to figure and get frustrated in what they are trying to say. Here is an example from page one "it was bad enough my insides squeezed in and stretched out like a monkey grinder's accordion" At first when I read this it was confusing because I was like monkeys don't play the accordion (at least the ones I've seen don't.) But still it took me awhile to understand it.Those are some of the reasons I am abandoning this book.


  1. It does sound like a silly book. What types of books do you read?

    1. Myster,teen I love Harry Potter and a series called Alice in Zombieland

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